
Clearers and their clearing services on One World One Heart

In the clearing teachings of Eric Dowsett, there are no levels of experience to attain. His teachings consist of his life experiences, acquired knowledge and research. They reflect who he is at that moment in time and therefor change from one moment, course, workshop or year to another.

Clearing is so simple that the brain has a difficult time to grasp the concept. It takes time to get a sense of it; the more you practice, the more you develop experience. That is also the reason why at workshops and retreats, there are many repeating students; each time you obtain a deeper understanding. Students are encouraged to apply clearing daily in their own way – for clearers and non-clearers, either family, friends and/or clients – and to use their own experiences to explain clearing. After more than thirty years of teaching, Eric ‘knows’ his students and if they follow the fundamental basics of energy clearing.

That is why every clearer on One World One Heart bears the responsibility for the clearing services they offer and how they explain that process. Not Eric Dowsett, Véronique Levadou nor One World One Heart is responsible for the way a clearer on this website informs you about clearing nor clears for you.

If you have questions about the clearing services of the One World One Heart clearers or the fundamental basics of clearing, contact us.

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